Five Main Types Of Acne And Best Ingredient To Treat it


Acne can be overwhelming and confusing.The 5 most common type of acne are:


2.White heads



5.Cystic Acne


Blackheads are open comedones whereas white are closed comedones. Comedones occur when a hair follicle/sebaceous gland becomes inflamed. These blackheads tend to oxidize just the way you cut off an apple or avocado and you leave it on a kitchen counter. It starts to turn brown. The same sort of reaction is happening in your skin and that causes blackheads to appear black and when you squeeze them out (which you should not do). The best ingredient that works best for blackheads is Salicylic acid ( 2%) and the ones using 40% you shouldn’t. Applying it on your acne will burn off and separate the layers of your skin. Don’t do it.Salicylic is really wonderful. It can be lab created or can come from wintergreen or willow (plants) that are oil soluble.


There are many ingredients that are medically proven to help with acne and most of these ingredients help in both whiteheads and blackheads. If you have white heads or pustules or papules that are caused by C.acnes and P.acnes bacteria be sure you are working on evacuating that bacteria helping to medicate the oil and getting rid of the clog if it’s there. The difference between whitehead and blackhead is that white heads have this clog and it also has lots of inflammation .The best ingredient to treat is Benzoyl Peroxide. Benzoyl Peroxide works for oily skin and it works by having a bond inside of the molecules that breaks and releases oxygen and remember bacteria can’t live in presence of oxygen its anaerobic or it doesn’t breathe oxygen which is why it is deep inside the skin. As long as you can handle drying, Benzoyl Peroxide is really a good option for those who have whiteheads. Benzyl is also recommended for those who have younger teenage skin that tends to be having a bit more oily skin. It’s really good to go.


These are Pus-filled bumps. Pustules can also form when the walls around your pores break down. These bumps come out from your skin and are usually red in color. They often have yellow or white head up. Picking or scratching your pustules can cause scarring.They are larger than whiteheads and blackheads. The pus in the pustule is typically a combination of immune cells and bacterial cells collected in the blocked pore.Again Benzoyl Peroxide and salicylic are few medications that combat bacteria  and helps in clearing out your pores.

Nodular Acne:

Nodular acne is a very severe type of acne that begins deep inside the skin. The clogged pore is not communicating with the surface of the skin but it keeps progressing and getting bigger. It is almost impossible to extract or pop as these bumps don’t have whiteheads or blackheads on it. It is actually quite painful because the location of the nodule coincides with the location of the nerve endings. Another sign is that the nodule can appear as the same color as skin but it is most of the time inflamed that is because the immune system is fighting to break down all the dead skin cells.Nodular Acne is the most common one and is caused by genetics or the environment you lived in. Other causes include excess sebum,oil and dead skin cells; these tend to mix up and create a perfect environment for bacteria to thrive.DIY treatments are a BIG NO NO.Using products with Spironolactone that will slow down the production of oil. Oral antibiotics are recommended. Retinol and Isotretinoin have the capacity to permanently reduce the size and activity of oil glands.

Cystic Acne:

Occurring from clogged pores it evolves into an infection and inflammation of the area. It is usually in the form of a bump on the skin or a lump right under the skin, mostly has a smooth surface and can be very tiny. Usually found on the face,neck,chest and back. They are painful and pus-filled and finally it ruptures and leaves a scar. Main cause of cystic acne is menstruation,puberty,menopause,pregnancy and some medical conditions. And although hormone imbalance is a leading cause, just like nodular acne cystic acne can be genetic.It is important to know that diet should not be overlooked as a potential trigger! So if your cystic acne flares up when eating certain food ask your doctor. Topical treatment with chemical exfoliants such as benzoyl peroxide, Salicylic acid and Azelaic acid are recommended.

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